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1. The culture. Lots of companies will throw this as bait to reel you in; and most of the time, it'll be a farce. Here, it's real. A real rare collection of people who are sincerely friendly, warm, humble, smart, and eager to mentor.

Some examples to illustrate the company's commitment to helping interns grow and have fun: David and Felix personally took us out to lunch at the start of the internship to ask us what we wanted to do over the summer, then again at the end of the summer to reflect on the experience. They took us to a Mets game, scheduled a weekend graffiti tour, gave us $50 credit to learn a new skill (any skill--as an example, I took a class on Haydn), and the like. 

2. The work. You'll do meaningful work that's valuable to the company and will give you a sense of accomplishment.  Meaningful work does not mean building a tiny section of a massive program or entering data or delivering coffee. Here, meaningful work means helping to redesign the corporate website, coding the company's products, or drafting emails to company clients. Here, you're not a cog in a wheel; you're an actual wheel.

Will you have to work hard? Yes, but consider these wise words from David Ogilvy: "I believe in the Scottish proverb: ‘Hard work never killed a man.’ Men die of boredom, psychological conflict and disease. They do not die of hard work." 

3.  The access. The talent here is unbelievable. David, Felix, Deepthi, and Ricky are incredibly smart people with amazing backgrounds. If you're looking to learn from real leaders who are good at what they do, articulate, funny, and generally good, nice people, you've come to the right place.

How can I work here?

Landing an internship is stressful. A lot of anxiety, hand wringing, and disappointment--especially if it's your first time applying for one.

Here are some tips:

  1. Spend an evening seriously thinking about what you want out of the summer. What industry do you want to gain exposure to? What skills do you want to learn? Is money a concern? (Some of the best internships are unpaid, so establish your position on this quickly). 
  2. If number 1 leads you to, here's the deal. The company runs like a tight ship and you get an oar if you prove that you can and want to row with the crew. That's the point of your pitch, CV, and portfolio.
  3. It is so tempting to brute force the application process and send the same CV to 20+ internship programs. Don't. It's really obvious. If you want the people who are hiring to respect you, respect their intelligence. And if they accept your one size fits all CV, consider this: what does this say about them, and the people they're looking to hire?. That said, tailor your CV and pitch to Does it take time? Yes. Does it guarantee that you'll land the internship? No. But, you'll certainly be different, and being different is the first step to being noticed.

For related words of wisdom from our CEO David Bloom:

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